Chunlei Li Ph.D.

Chunlei Li 

Professor (CV in PDF)

Selmer Center, Department of Informatics

University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway


Office-Tel.: (0047) 55584013

Mailing Address: Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Postboks 7803, N-5020, Bergen, Norway

Visiting Adress: Office 204N1, Data-block in Bergen High Technology Center

Reseach Profile: Publons, Google Scholar, DBLP

Short Biography

Chunlei Li completed his bachelor and masters degrees in mathematics and cryptography in Hubei Univesity, Wuhan, China, in 2005 and 2008 respectively. During the master program, he has been focusing on the design of cryptographically strong Boolean functions. Since Nov. 2010, he started his PhD study under the principle supervision of Prof. Tor Helleseth in the Selmer Center, Department of Inforamtics, University of Bergen, Norway. During his PhD program, Chunlei mainly focused on the applications of highly nonlinear functions in designing low-correlation sequences and optimal linear codes.

After completion of the PhD program in 2014, he worked as a postdoc with Prof. Chunming Rong in Centre for IP-based Service Innovation (CIPSI), University of Stavanger during 2015-2017 on the blockchain technology. In 2017 he returned back to the Selmer Center, University of Bergen as a postdoc and later as a researcher till April, 2018. Since May, 2018, he become an associate professor with the Selmer Center, University of Bergen.

Research Interest

My major research interests lie in the area of information technology and communication (ICT), paritucluarly on

  • waveform design for wireless communications: waveforms/signals with desirable periodic and aperiodic correlations

  • feedback shift register (FRS) sequences: the max-length FSR sequences and complexity measures of pseudo-random sequences

  • coding theory: algebraic codes in Hamming metric and rank metric and their applications in communications, storage and cryptography

  • cryptography: symmetric cryptographic primitives, homomorphic encryptions, searchable encryptions, code-based cryptography

  • blockchain: design and applications of blockchain

  • discrete mathematics: permutations polynomials and cryptographically strong functions